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Program Information

Presentation Information
A group presentation is considered to be a presentation where two speakers present on the same program topic for the same organization on the same day. Presentations may be under the same title, or two independent titles.

Example 1 (one title): John Doe and Sue Smith are both SHANDS residents and are scheduled to give a presentation on Anticoagulation (program topic) on 09/23/2024. John and Sue worked together to produce the information included within the PowerPoint slides and they both share the title of "Venous Thromboelism: Outpatient Management". The presentation is 60-minutes long, where John and Sue will trade off the role of speaker (either in the middle of the presentation or throughout the presentation).

Example 2 (two titles): John Doe and Sue Smith are both SHANDS residents and are scheduled to give a presentation on Anticoagulation (program topic) on 09/23/2024. John and Sue worked independently on their PowerPoint slides, producing two separate titles. John has titled his content "Acute Stroke", and Sue has titled her content "Anticoagulation Management in Pregnant Patients". John and Sue will share the 60-minute allotted time frame, with John and Sue presenting for 30-minutes each.

Speaker Information
In this section, please only include speaker information. Do not enter faculty advisor, reviewer, or planner (etc) information in this section.

Advisor Information
In this section, please only include advisor information. Do not enter speaker information in this section. If presenting as a group, please only include the advisors for the speaker listed above.

Please upload your slides as a pdf or PowerPoint file.
Speaker Information (Speaker 1)
In this section, please only include speaker information. Do not enter faculty advisor, reviewer, or planner (etc) information in this section.

Speaker Information (Speaker 2)
In this section, please only include speaker information. Do not enter faculty advisor, reviewer, or planner (etc) information in this section.

Advisor Information
In this section, please only include advisor information. Do not enter speaker information in this section.

Please upload your slides as a pdf or PowerPoint file.
Speaker Information (Speaker 1)
In this section, please only include speaker information. Do not enter faculty advisor, reviewer, or planner (etc) information in this section. Please note that the UF Office of Continuing Pharmacy Education can only support presentations with up to two speakers.

Please upload your slides as a pdf or PowerPoint file.
Advisor Information (Speaker 1 Advisor)
In this section, please only include advisor information. Do not enter speaker information in this section. If presenting as a group, please only include the advisors for the speaker listed above.

Please verify that the advisors listed below match the advisors listed within your presentation. If you have multiple advisors, please use the "Add another advisor" button below.

Speaker Information (Speaker 2)
In this section, please only include speaker information. Do not enter faculty advisor, reviewer, or planner (etc) information in this section. Please note that the UF Office of Continuing Pharmacy Education can only support presentations with up to two speakers.

Please upload your slides as a pdf or PowerPoint file.
Advisor Information (Speaker 2 Advisor)
In this section, please only include advisor information. Do not enter speaker information in this section. If presenting as a group, please only include the advisors for the speaker listed above.

Please verify that the advisors listed below match the advisors listed within your presentation. If you have multiple advisors, please use the "Add another advisor" button below.