Got a question? We'd love to hear from you. Send us a message and we will respond as soon as possible.
Please note, if you have already contacted us by email, you do not need to complete this form. Both messages will be sent to the same support address.
First Name
Last Name
UFID or Gatorlink (optional)
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What can we help you with?
Registration Issues
Refund Request
Transfer Request
Course Access
Canvas Course Help
Credit Reporting
Credly Badge/Certificate
General Question
Description of Issue:
To help us resolve the issue in a timely manner, please include as much information as possible (e.g., course name, any steps you have already taken to resolve the issue, platform (Destiny One, Canvas, CE Broker, CPE Monitor), browser).
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We value and respect your privacy. Your email address will not be shared with a third party, nor will it be sold or used for purposes other than subscription to CPE updates.
Help us prevent spam - What is 2+2?
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License Information
NABP Number
Usually 6-7 numbers
Date of Birth (MMDD)
PS License Number
Capital PS with 4-5 numbers
Is this CE for Consultant License Renewal?
PU License Number
Capital PU with 4 numbers
Please enter the course name(s):
Additional Comments:
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